Making Your Finances Work For YOU in 2021!
After the whirlwind year of 2020, making your finances work for you is already top of mind for Canadians. Why not roll that into a brand-new resolution moving forward into 2021? Here are some ideas to make your finances work for YOU in the New Year:
Start a Budget If you don’t have a monthly budget already, this is the first step in financial awareness. Knowing how much you make per month – and what you spend it on – can help you better manage (and even eliminate) your expenses and free up funds for things that matter. |
Purge Expenses
One of the best goals you can have for the New Year, is cutting out all those things that didn’t work the previous year – this can include expenses. While we are not referring to your water or electricity bills, there are still many ways you can cut down on costs. For instance, have you recently looked at your phone plan? Consider decreasing services or comparing costs to get a cheaper plan with the same functionality. Are you someone that buys coffee each morning or goes out for lunch once a week? Consider where and how you spend your money to determine areas to reduce costs!